Show off
your software!

Does your website demonstrate and dramatize
your powerful software as effectively as it could?

After all, 67% of B2B buyers do their research digitally. And most B2B buyers are more than halfway to making a purchase decision before they ever talk to a sales rep.

They’re doing their homework. They’re looking at your competitors. They’re wondering how your software delivers the benefits you claim.

Abstract bullet points on a PowerPoint slide ─ or on your home page ─ aren’t good enough.

A well-crafted software demo moves people to take action in your favor ─ whether that’s reviewing your white paper, reading your blog, attending your webinar, or talking to your sales team.

Software demos come in different forms:

  • Classic video with voiceover
  • 3 problems, 3 solutions
  • Interactive UI
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Classic video with voiceover

Typically, this includes an energetic music track, and has a duration of 90 to 120 seconds. You can dramatize and demonstrate your most important benefits quickly.

On the left are three videos produced for MindGenius, among many you can see from Traction Media on the MindGenius website (
The first video demonstrates how MindGenius mind mapping can help students become more effective learners.
The second video, for MindGenius Online, is the introduction to a series of special “trial user” videos.
The third video is one of those trial user videos. Combining marketing with instruction, it briefly demonstrates how to use one simple yet powerful feature. The intent is to induce trial users to “try it for yourself right now,” and even evoke a few “aha!” moments — thus accelerating conversions of trial users into customers.

Classic video with voiceover

Typically, this includes an energetic music track, and has a duration of 90 to 120 seconds. You can dramatize and demonstrate your most important benefits quickly.

Above are three videos produced for MindGenius, among many you can see from Traction Media on the MindGenius website (
The first video demonstrates how MindGenius mind mapping can help students become more effective learners.
The second video, for MindGenius Online, is the introduction to a series of special “trial user” videos.
The third video is one of those trial user videos. Combining marketing with instruction, it briefly demonstrates how to use one simple yet powerful feature. The intent is to induce trial users to “try it for yourself right now,” and even evoke a few “aha!” moments — thus accelerating conversions of trial users into customers.

3 problems, 3 solutions

One way to handle multiple user roles or use cases is to set up, for example, three short videos covering your targeted users or use cases.

Your purpose is not to explain everything they want to know, but instead to intrigue them with information and language that match their interests, then move them to launch a free trial (B2C) or talk to a sales rep (B2B).

Interactive UI

How about giving people a close-up view of a key screen in your product, then letting them mouse around and discover your great capabilities?

Try mousing around in the image below, and you’ll get an idea of what’s possible. (Not available on mobile.)

From a client:

"The entire production process was streamlined, timely and energizing, with the final outcome exceeding our expectations.

"Traction Media brought enthusiasm and creativity to the challenge of capturing the benefits of our software, and that has been rewarded with increasing sales."

Let's talk about how to
show off your great software!

Use this form to get our conversation started. We’ll get back to you to set up a phone call. (Be assured: We won’t be spamming you, and we won’t give your contact info to anyone outside Traction Media.)

If you prefer, you can email us:

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